VSE™ Van Straten Enterprises, Inc.
heaters and heated housings for light sources for land, air and sea vehicles, stationary objects, traffic and crossing signs, and navigation lights systems

Heated Solutions
By heating the electromagnetic wave transmission portion, accumulation of snow, ice, or vapor is mitigated or eliminated from a surface of the portion, thereby enabling electromagnetic waves to transmit through the portion. Applications include lamps and bulbs on conveyance devices, radar systems and housings, LIDAR systems and housings, and can include applications on vehicles, boats, planes, trains, as well as sedentary structures, such as lamp posts, street lights, railroad crossing markers and lights, and airport ground and runway lighting systems.
VSAFE and VSEEN heating technologies by Van Straten Enterprises (VSE)
Mechanisms that drive out moisture from a housing through a breathable membrane or vent
Moisture is driven out of the housing through a breathable membrane or vent:
1.) High concentration of water molecules follows the “Second Law of Thermodynamics” And moves to the low concentration of water molecules (high moisture moves to low moisture – entropy increase); and
2.) Differential pressure is created by higher level of heat and humidity on one side of the membrane compared to the other side pursuant to the “Ideal Gas Law” (PV = nRT). Vapor pressure from the high temperature pushes moisture through the treatable membrane to the low temper side.
In summary, warm, moist air moves toward cold, dry air until there is equilibrium. Use of just a breathable membrane without a heat source means that the full potential of moisture migration will not be reached.
Get in touch

VSE™ - Van Straten Enterprises, Inc.
40682 N. Entry Rd.
Chassell, MI 49916
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X3 Energy™ • Power on Demand
A Divison of VSE™
We are proud of who we are & take pride in what we do!
All products designed, manufactured, and assembled in the USA.VSE™/X3 Energy™ uses only the finest materials and industry standards.